Why do you study Sociology and Demography?
I’m an interdisciplinary scholar with a strong interest in quantitative methods, so demography was a natural fit for me and my work.
I had very little exposure to sociology as an academic discipline prior to coming to Oxford, but I’ve found sociological frameworks useful for theoretically orienting my research and helping me determine the right questions to ask in my research.
What first attracted you to the course at Oxford?
My supervisor, Dr José Manuel Aburto, was a big draw for me.
When I was first looking into demography programmes, he was one of the few scholars I came across that was working on issues aligned with my research interests in health and human rights.
At this point I still wasn’t sure whether demography was the “right” discipline for me but talking to José Manuel helped me see how my work would be of interest to demographers and how I could benefit from demographic thinking, so I decided to apply.
What piece of advice would you give to prospective students?
Make time to do things you enjoy outside of your coursework and research (this can be hard, but it’s important!)