Manuela Aviles Hernandez

Visiting Period: 2010

Manuela Aviles Hernandez

Current Research: In every country, single parent families are, mainly, headed by a woman. Nonetheless, since the beginning of the 21st century, and, especially, due to the increase of the number of separations and marital breakdowns, the number of men, who assume sole care of their dependent children, has increased, which has provoked that single father families stop being a category of "invisible analysis", used occasionally to emphasize the feminine nature of the "single parent families", to become an object for study.

The object and principle analytical core of my research is to analyze the reality that presents itself to "Spanish Single Father Families", with reference to its origin, characteristics and guidelines of interaction which are generated between the family members and their surroundings.

The aim of my visit to the University of Oxford is to consult both the bibliographical sources in which similar researches have relied and the numerous references regarding single parent families, in general, and single father families, in particular.