Man-Yee Kan is Professor of Sociology at Oxford's Department of Sociology. She has conducted extensive research on time use, gender inequalities, marriages, families, and welfare policies in East Asian, European, and Anglophone countries.
Her current project GenTime, funded by a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (2018-2026), aims to investigate trends in gender inequality in time use in East Asian and Western societies.
Man-Yee's more recent research topic is about the migration of Hong Kong people to the UK. She has conducted surveys to collect timely data of potential migrants from Hong Kong and has estimated the size, migration planning, and socio-demographic profiles of Hong Kong migrants. She has also researched on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on migration decisions.
She was previously a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow (2008-2011) and a Research Councils UK Academic Fellow (2008-2013).