Francesco Rampazzo

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Francesco Rampazzo

Lecturer in Demography


Francesco is a Lecturer in Demography with a broad range of research interests, including digital and computational demography with applications in fertility, migration, transition to adulthood, and survey research. He is part of the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science. He is affiliated with Nuffield College as a Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow. In addition, he collaborates with researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock and the Centre for Population Change in Southampton. 

In his research, Francesco uses digital traces data produced by advertising platforms, such as Facebook Advertising Platform, and other markets, and repurposes them to study demographic phenomena. 

He has a PhD in Social Statistics and Demography from the University of Southampton. He holds a European Doctoral School of Demography diploma, a Master in Demography from Stockholm University, and a Bachelor in Statistical Science from the University of Padova.
