The gendered impacts of partnership and parenthood on time use in Great Britain, 1992-2019

  With Dr Muzhi Zhou, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 

Seminar 1 of Michaelmas Term's Sociology Seminar Series

Please join either in person or online. For in-person attendees, the talk will be preceded by a light lunch at 12.15pm.

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Are you curious about how family dynamics have evolved over the past three decades in the UK? Join us for an enlightening discussion on the latest research findings from the British Household Panel Study and the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Our study explores the effects of partnership and parenthood on women's and men's paid and unpaid work hours, and how these effects have changed over time.


Muzhi Zhou is an Assistant Professor at the Urban Governance and Design Thrust, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Her work covers the role of marriage and parenthood in shaping people's attitudes, income, and time use. She also works on how digital technology and the digital world affect and be affected by our physical world. Her research can be seen in various high-quality journals, including Gender \& Society, Chinese Sociological Review, and so on.