Applications now open for OxPo 2021-22 academic exchanges

Applications are now open for academic exchanges in 2021-22 between Sciences Po in Paris and the University of Oxford.

The Oxford-Sciences Po programme (OxPo) seeks to facilitate scholarly exchanges and research projects between Sciences Po and the Departments of SociologyPolitics and International Relations, the Oxford Centre for European History and Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. It is a meeting point for scholars at both institutions with the objective of fostering and stimulating joint scientific projects.

OxPo offers five schemes for academics and students including: 

  1. Visitor scheme to Paris for Oxford academics: Visiting Professorships at Sciences Po
  2. Visitor scheme to Paris: Opportunities for Oxford PhD students and junior researchers
  3. Opportunités de séjour doctoral à l’université d’Oxford (4 Départements concernés)
  4. Bourse de stage post-doctoral à l’université d’Oxford pour les jeunes docteurs de Science Po
  5. SciencesPo-Nuffield College Fellowship pour les académiques de Sciences Po

All applications for an exchange in the academic year 2021-22 must be submitted by Friday 15 March 2021.

For those interested in applying, an information meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday 8 February at 14.00 (UK time) for prospective applicants. To receive a link, please email: 

For further details and information on how to apply, please visit the OxPo website.



Entrance to Sciences Po in Paris

Photo credit: EQRoy /